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Saturday, November 04, 2023 

IDF strikes house of Hamas leader

The IDF demolished the home of Ismail Haniyah, the Hamas overlord who's been living in the Islamic bastion of Qatar for some time:
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) appear to have struck the Gaza home of Hamas terrorist chief Ismail Haniyeh, a billionaire who resides in the terror-friendly state of Qatar.

Israel’s top publications — including The Times of Israel, The Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, and more — all covered the story, citing Hamas-affiliated radio and other Arabic media.

Haniyeh, who has voluntarily lived in exile for several years with some of his family, is the leader of the political bureau for the Hamas terrorist group, which murdered 1,400 Israelis, wounded 5,300+, and kidnapped more than 240 in an unprecedented terrorist attack last month.

Israel has responded by vowing to bring an end to the terrorist group and their political rule over Palestinians inside Gaza.

Last month, an airstrike on one of the homes owned by Haniyeh reportedly killed 14 people, including his brother and nephew.
Good riddance. But there's still much more to do, and the army must fight on.

Update: speaking of the IDF, the wife of a Druze officer who sadly fell in battle is asking as many Jews as possible to attend his funeral.

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