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Thursday, November 09, 2023 

Two antisemites arrested in NYC for vandalizing posters of Israelis kidnapped/murdered by Hamas

The NYC police did the right thing to arrest some of the vandals who've been going after advertisements of Israeli victims of the Hamas massacre:
Two 18-year-old New Yorkers have been arrested for allegedly tearing down posters of hostages kidnapped in the Israel-Hamas war.

Charlotte Wimer and Gray Segal were arrested last night
for supposedly removing the posters from a wall outside of private property in Gramercy Park.

The posters were of 240 Israeli children and adults kidnapped by the terrorist group since the October 7 assault on Israel. NYPD officials have charged both suspects with criminal mischief.

The wall of the privately-owned building was covered in red and white signs with the word 'KIDNAPPED' written above photographs of the missing hostages, as well as posters of the Israeli flag.

A video shared by an X user shows posters torn in shreds while Wimer and Segal are in handcuffs.

Photographs show new posters being stuck to the 201 East 23rd Street property by supporters the next day.

Posters highlighting the Jewish plight have been plastered all across the Big Apple as a way to draw attention to their distressing situation. However, there have also been plenty of viral videos of people removing posters.

The recent arrests come a week after two young women were caught on camera tearing down posters of Israeli child hostages while screaming 'f***k Israel.' Sisters Aya and Dana were seen ripping up notices placed around Broadway and 79th Street on the Upper West Side of New York City.
The father of those two women, predictably, tried to downplay their behavior. Interestingly, according to what's stated here, one of the 2 latest offenders appears to be a transsexual ideologue:
The New York Police Department (NYPD) arrested two 18-year-old men — one using the name “Charlotte” and he/him pronouns — on Wendesday for allegedly tearing down posters of Israelis taken hostage by Hamas during the October 7 terror attack.
So again, we have a case of LGBT activists who're so antisemitic, it makes no difference to them what Islam is like, and they're willing to serve as its "useful idiots".

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