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Thursday, December 28, 2023 

Pro-Hamas hoodlums stage their repulsive act in front of Ground Zero in NYC

Many of these pro-Hamas demonstrations in the USA have quickly become repulsive acts, whether they end up blocking airports like JFK, LAX and O'Hare. And it was also awful when just a few days ago, rabbi Shmuley Boteach had a reportedly 11-year-old girl yell obscenities at him. Now, these vulgar demonstrations have even reached Ground Zero, where the World Trade Center once stood:
Pro-Palestinian Arab protesters on Thursday shut down the entrance to the World Trade Center in New York City, footage posted to social media showed.

The footage showed hundreds of protesters waving Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flags and chanting “Free Palestine”.

The incident comes one day after pro-Palestinian Arab protesters blocked a road to John F. Kennedy International Airport. At least 26 protesters were arrested.

Anti-Israel protests have been on the rise since the start of Israel’s war against Hamas on October 7

In late November, pro-Palestinian Arab protesters halted traffic in New York City by descending at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge and demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Earlier this month, pro-Palestinian Arab protesters marched through New York City, making stops at major transportation hubs and disrupting traffic along the way.
What's also chilling is that, under the current laws in NYC where no bail needs to be posted for an arrested felon, they'll likely be out on the street again very quickly. What George Soros' business led to was just the beginning, and now even worse situations are occurring. That the demonstrators would block access to a site that suffered the worst terrorist attack in the USA's history speaks volumes. Especially considering that back in 2001, many Muslims in Gaza/Judea/Samaria celebrated the horrifying jihadist attack.

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