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Friday, February 23, 2024 

This era has produced some of the worst education possible

Giulio Meotti addressed the sad situation in Paris, and even Berlin, where pro-Hamas sentiment is allowed at the Bataclan, one of the biggest victims of Islamofascism:
“Islamists have understood the psychology of woke crowds, a collective version of Stockholm syndrome. Weak unbelievers who have all their contempt and give in to their fury like lambs. Horrifying."

Thus the anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler on the images arriving from the Bataclan which provoked a torrent of reactions. The musical duo Shkoon performed on the stage of the Paris theater where ISIS killed 90 people on November 13, 2015. The band, led by a Syrian, mixes Arabic sounds and electronic music. During the concert at the Bataclan, the band performed the song “Yamma mwel el hawa”, which evokes the Israeli-Arab Palestinian conflict. The audience thus began to shout "Free Palestine" during the concert, amidst thunderous applause.

“At the Bataclan, hordes of Islamo-goschists sing 'Free Palestine',” criticized Jean Messiha. "They would have done better to observe a minute's silence in memory of the 90 victims of Islamic terrorism killed, disembowelled and emasculated by their executioners." "In this terrible place of pain where 90 martyrs of Islamic terrorism died, this demonstration is a desecration"
, denounced the MEP Gilbert Collard.

"The terrorists of October 7th and those who killed my daughter at the Bataclan have the same beliefs and the same way of proceeding" said Patrick Jardin, Nathalie's father, who was one of the Bataclan technicians. On the evening of Friday November 13th she was there to spend an evening with friends and she could have been killed there together with the Italian Valeria Solesin.
One of the worst things about this tragedy is that, shortly after, Bataclan may have been sold to sources from an Islamist country, which could partly explain why the current situation's come about. But there's also parenting to consider. Only so many parents today, including - but not limited to - the USA, have colossaly failed to educate their children about what's right and wrong. Though a lot of the people who attended the Syrian musician's performance may have been Moslems themselves, there can be no doubt plenty of regular French were also there, and just as brainwashed. And that's one more reason why Paris is in such a dire state.

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