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Sunday, June 23, 2024 

Well that's surely something to ponder

One of the Federalist contributors, Joy Pullman, had something interesting to say involving a certain president from not very long ago during a video interview on subject of the transsexual ideology cult:
“The roots of [transgenderism] go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and [Franklin D. Roosevelt] and including Ronald Reagan. His federal government and bureaucracy oversaw the deepening of federal racial and sexual quotas through laws that had been put in place under Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter,” Federalist Executive Editor Joy Pullmann said during an interview with Daniel Horowitz. “Feminism … does the same thing as transgenderism in basically pushing each sex to adopt the behaviors, the attitudes, the life-circuit of the other sex.”
Now it may not be surprising FDR could've sown the seeds, nor Carter, for example. But that Reagan could've had anything to do with this modern tragedy is as disturbing as it's eyebrow raising. It should be noted that back in 1983, Reagan withdrew all USA military from Lebanon following the tragic terrorist bombing that murdered 241 servicemen, and even 58 French officials. In other words, Reagan failed the troops and never avenged them. Is that setting a good example? Regrettably, Foreign Policy's writer seemed to think so.

And while Reagan may have brought down the original USSR, he failed to apply the same standards to China as he did to Russia. There's probably at least a few more unfortunate errors Reagan made in his time that're just as troubling. And this all has to make clear that, despite what some people might want us to think, Reagan sadly wasn't as effective a leader as we wish he could be. I wouldn't be surprised if there's Chinese dissidents and Lebanese Maronites who think that. Now, in addition to such history, we also sadly have to learn Reagan, even unwittingly, may have sown the seeds during his administration for the LGBT tragedy we're seeing unfold in this day and age.

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