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Monday, September 30, 2024 

Former Miss Iraq wants to be on Israel's side

In this interview with Sarah Idan, the former Miss Iraq, she tells about how she came to recognize Israel as the good side, and also what she knows about the darkness of Islam's indoctrinations:
Since the terrible morning of Black Saturday, the question "Where were you on October 7?" has become common among Israelis. But Idan also remembers exactly where she was and how she felt at those moments.

"I was at home when I received a phone call from my friend, Hillel (Silverman, niece of comedian Sarah Silverman), who called me from Israel. She was panicking and said to me, 'Sarah, oh my God, turn on the TV. I think we're under attack.' At first, I answered her indifferently, 'What's new? You're attacked every day.' But then I went on social media. Every video, every picture, caused me actual physical pain in my heart. I thought maybe something was wrong with my blood pressure. I couldn't watch anymore. I felt immense pressure in my head. The anger and sadness made me physically ill."

She channeled the emotions that welled up in her into what she does best: spreading the truth on social media. "I tried to share with the world what was happening and post content, mainly in Arabic, because Arab media was hiding what happened."

"They only showed videos of Hamas fighting IDF soldiers. They didn't show the young people massacred at Nova or the women who were raped, so I tried to show that to people. I wrote there, 'Look at the barbaric Hamas, see what they're doing.' And I was really shocked by their responses. They claimed it was a lie and denied it while it was happening."

Q: To this day they deny it – and not just in the Arab world, in the Western world too.

"I went to Cornell and Stanford universities. They had a tent there, and I wanted to understand what the hell was going on there, so I wore a hijab and went there. I pretended I was one of them and started talking to them in Arabic. It felt like their organization was a militia of ... you know, like the militias in Iraq. They have orders, and they follow orders. They're not regular students."

Q: Orders from whom?

"They're part of a larger organization, supported by entities like the Iranian regime, the Muslim Brotherhood, all of America's enemies. Who funds the universities? Qatar. That's why they allowed them to protest and set up tents on university grounds. If a university's board of directors gets its money directly from Qatar, aren't the protesters in the tents also getting their money from the same places?"

At some point during the war, Idan decided she had to visit Israel herself and see with her own eyes the horror that had occurred. This isn't the first time she's visited Israel, but the difference from her previous visits was enormous.

"The first time I came, people were carefree, especially in Tel Aviv. There was something in the atmosphere that reminded me of an island state. The second time it was just... the air was full of anxiety, sadness. The feeling was like when I was in Iraq during the war. It was really sad."
Absolutely, and what can one expect after such a graphic murder and sexual violence rampage? That aside, any university that accepts funding from sources like Qatar as they stand today cannot be supported in any way, and must be boycotted. Good that Iran found out what the pro-Hamas mobs at the universities are like, and the people involved must be stopped somehow. These enemy-funded movements are a severe danger.

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