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Wednesday, October 10, 2018 

Nikki Haley resigns as American ambassador to UN

One of the best US diplomats who bravely stood up to the evil forces at the UN is stepping down from her current job:
Nikki Haley resigned Tuesday as the US ambassador to the United Nations, in the latest departure from President Donald Trump's national security team.

Meeting Haley in the Oval Office, Trump said that Haley had done a "fantastic job" and would leave at the end of the year."

She told me probably six months ago," Trump told reporters, that '"I want to take a little time off.'

"A successor will be named "in the next two or three weeks," he said. [...]

Haley has pressed for a hard line on Iran, justified US cuts to foreign assistance and earlier this year led the United States in bolting from the UN Human Rights Council, accusing it of bias against Washington and close ally Israel.

At the recent UN General Assembly session, Haley took the highly unusual step for a senior diplomat of joining street protesters against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, shouting from a megaphone that the leftist leader should leave office. [...]

She listed hawkish policies to pressure Iran and the Palestinians, and the ground-breaking diplomatic outreach to communist North Korea.

"All of those things have made a huge difference in the US standing, but I can tell you that the US is strong again. The US is strong in a way it should make all Americans proud," Haley said.
I agree she did a very admirable job at the UN, and hope she'll be around for another prominent role in US politics. The Times of India was also impressed, noting she's got Indian heritage, and she's done them proud too.

I do hope the Trump administration's got somebody else just as talented to fill the void she'll be leaving. The UN's still as evil as ever, with the UNESCO division having again sided with the PLO by declaring Rachel's Tomb "part of occupied palestinian territory", along with the Tomb of Patriarchs. A message has to be made clear we will not stand for this, and it's also high time for the US to withdraw from the UN. Israel should too.

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The resignation of Nikki Haley as
American ambassador to UN reminds
me of the song YESTERDAY by The Beatles:

“Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.”

Who are the Palestinians?


Ancient Roman historians identified JEWS
as the inhabitants of Land of Israel, and
located the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem



Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:





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