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Friday, March 24, 2023 

RINOs who refuse to oppose transsexual insanity don't belong in office

An important point made by Jordan Boyd when it comes to Republican governors in the USA who refuse to oppose transsexual demolishing of society:
Wyoming is technically one of the reddest states in the nation because the GOP holds the offices of governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and both chambers of the state legislature, but you wouldn’t know that by the actions of the politicians they elect.

Just this week, Republican Gov. Mark Gordon refused to sign a bill that prohibits males in costume from invading female sports. Gordon claimed the legislation, which “is overly draconian, is discriminatory without attention to individual circumstances or mitigating factors, and pays little attention to fundamental principles of equality.”
Some people may have heard of the phrase "bleeding heart liberal" in the past, and in Mr. Gordon's case, he could be called a "bleeding heart conservative", who believes we must truly feel sorry for these "misunderstood" followers of punk subculture who believe their protected class status literally gives them the right to rob real women of success in sports and other things. And who, just as regrettably, apparently despise their own biological sex. Which, now that I think of it, is similar in some ways to self-hating Jews.
The bill eventually became law without Gordon’s signature and blessing, but the Republican’s hostility towards policies that most of his constituents and most of the nation support should immediately disqualify him from representing red voters.

[...] The GOP, specifically, is more than capable of outlawing the butchering of children for profit and punishing propagandists who tout maiming as a solution instead of a problem. Republicans control the state legislatures and the governor’s mansion in 22 states. Yet, only 19 of those states have taken action to keep boys from competing in girls’ sports. Only eight of those states have agreed to ban the castration and mutilation of minors.

If there was ever a time to deem passivity and investigation alone not enough, it’s now. If Republicans can’t sign the simplest of bills to keep biological males from invading female spaces or keep minor children from irreversible mutilation, they are not even developed enough to consent to in the first place, they don’t deserve to hold office.
Indeed, no. These representatives should practically be recalled and/or voted out now. What business do they have being in politics if this is how they're running the store? Gordon should set a better example by voluntarily resigning now, and apologizing to all the innocent members of the fairer sex he's let down in the process.

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