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Wednesday, July 12, 2023 

Weak argument about what caused the riot horror in France

Auguste Meyrat talked about the Muslim riots in France, and his arguments, unfortunately, are very weak:
Unlike the George Floyd riots, which were largely led by well-funded activist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the riots in France are mostly a grassroots phenomenon. Macron has some reason to take issue with social media because users have encouraged other restless young people to take to the streets and burn down something. Before social media and high-speed internet, these outbursts of violence usually took place in sundry neighborhoods of Paris and seldom spread beyond. Now they have become TikTok challenges that go viral.
I miss the part where Islam's influence is brought up. How fascinating. "Grassroots"? That makes it sound like this is something indigenous French are doing themselves, and it's monumentally offensive to downplay the real issues at hand involving jihadism, or even Antifa's involvements. Indeed, that the writer's sugarcoating anything to do with Antifa, let alone Islam, is very grave. Even though north Africa's mentioned in the article, Islam isn't, and that's the most problematic part of this piece.

It's not even the first time anybody writing for the Federalist did this sugarcoating, recalling last year, there was another one who did the same regarding New York City. If this is the kind of writers they consider perfect, it's very dismaying, and only prolongs the problems yet again.

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