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Friday, October 06, 2023 

A most regrettable incident of antisemitic vandalism in Armenia

While anti-semitism obviously does exist in countries like Armenia, it's still a shame this terrible incident had to happen, because it gives ammunition to Armenia's enemies to exploit:
The only synagogue in the Armenian capital Yerevan was vandalized with spray paint and attacked with a Molotov cocktail, late Monday night.

There have been conflicting reports over the group responsible for the attack, with Azerbaijani media pinning it on the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), and Israeli media saying it was a group called Young Fighters for the Freedom of Armenia (YFFA).

The YFFA group stated the synagogue attack was "in retaliation to Israel and world Jewry's support of Azerbaijan." While ASALA said, "Jews are sworn enemies of the Armenian state and the Armenian people."

"Jews are the enemies of the Armenian people and the Jewish state sells weapons to the (Azerbaijani President) Aliyev regime," wrote YFFA members in a statement posted on Telegram, according to the Israeli Kan Public Broadcaster.

[...] In response, Yerevan's small Jewish community said, "We must not give in to provocations aimed at stirring up conflict between Armenians and Jews," as quoted by Kan.

"Now we must all mobilize to help the refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh", added the Jewish leaders.

Calling it a "provocation," one of the leaders of the Armenian Jewish community said the incident was "a gift to the Azers who maintain that there is anti-Semitism in Armenia."
An interesting point made there. It's also a gift to the insufferable Rachel Avraham, who's doubtless going to exploit the news as well, yet don't be shocked if she doesn't interview anybody in Armenia's Jewish community and get their viewpoint on what living is like in that area. The Jewish community most definitely should help the refugees, and do everything they can to make clear they're aiding innocents in distress.

All that aside, it's still utterly angering how Israeli government sources provided Azerbaijan with weapons, and also how Azeris flew an Israel flag to celebrate. No doubt, they couldn't give a damn if it ends up driving more wedges where it's unneeded.

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