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Monday, October 09, 2023 

Pope Francis leading Christianity to ruin

John Daniel Davidson warns that Pope Francis is selling out Christianity to LGBT ideology:
There’s an unfortunate tendency among Catholics and Protestants alike to relish the misfortunes of the other. When some evangelical megachurch pastor ham-fistedly embraces the LGBT agenda, Catholics will quip that it was inevitable thanks to the Reformation. When Pope Francis appears to undermine orthodox Christian teaching in a garbled answer to some interviewer’s question, Protestants will snark about the “commie pope.”

[...] At this point, it’s clear that this is exactly what Pope Francis is trying to do. How will he do it? By hiding behind the fig leaf of “development of doctrine” and “pastoral charity.” Take, for example, his startling remarks about marriage and the possibility of priests blessing homosexual unions, issued privately in July but made public just last week. The comments confirm what observers of Pope Francis have long known: He is intentionally vague about matters that should be clear-cut, and this vagueness sows confusion. Why would he want to sow confusion? To open up room for change. Indeed, one way to interpret the pope’s muddled remarks about blessing homosexual unions is that he’s opening the door to radical change in Catholic practice without technically changing Catholic doctrine (something the pope, in any case, cannot do).

Responding to a question from a group of cardinals about whether the Catholic Church can bless same-sex unions “without betraying revealed doctrine,” Pope Francis said, “pastoral prudence must adequately discern whether there are forms of blessing … that do not transmit a mistaken conception of marriage,” and that, “when a blessing is requested, one is expressing a request for help from God, a plea for a better life, a trust in a Father who can help us to live better.”

The pope seems to be suggesting something radical here: that it’s possible to bless a homosexual relationship. The Catholic Church teaches that sexual relations outside of lifelong marriage between one man and one woman is a sin. Every properly catechized Catholic child knows it’s not possible to bless sin. Every such child also knows that when most people request a blessing they aren’t making a “plea for a better life” but seeking approval, endorsement, and affirmation. That’s the common understanding of the thing, which Pope Francis bends over backward to avoid here.

Pope Francis, it seems, wants to open the way for priests to bless homosexual unions, as some priests in Germany and elsewhere in western Europe are already doing. He knows he can’t just come out and say this because it clearly contradicts Catholic doctrine, so instead he gives a rambling answer that technically affirms the Catholic Church’s de jure position on marriage (lifelong, between one man and one woman) while opening the way for a de facto practice of blessing homosexual unions. No one can accuse the pope of changing Catholic doctrine, but in reality, much will have been changed.

This is precisely the template the Vatican is planning to follow in this synod
. Keep in mind, this synod is not an ecumenical council, like Vatican II or the Council of Trent. It cannot make decisions on matters of doctrine, and nothing it produces will be binding on Catholics. Indeed, the term “synodality” itself is undefined, and this is vital to the pope’s real goal. It’s a neologism, an abstract term — and therefore malleable — that has no history in Catholic doctrine. As Cardinal Raymond Burke wrote last week, “There is confusion around the term synodality, which people artificially try to link to an Eastern practice, but which in reality has all the characteristics of a recent invention, especially with regard to the laity.”
So instead of trying to encourage LGBT practitioners to practice how to best lead heterosexual relations, and not to be ashamed of their born gender, Francis decides to just accept the LGBT doctrine almost wholesale via Trojan horse tactics and backdoor sneak-ins. How pathetic, and explains perfectly why even in Italy, there's people who're becoming disillusioned with the Catholic church. And then we wonder why the world's coming to so much ruin.

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