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Sunday, October 08, 2023 

What the IDF is now doing to combat Hamas

Here's an assessment of where things stand now when it comes to war against Hamas:
Israeli security forces have killed more than 400 Palestinian terrorists, and captured dozens more, since the Hamas terror group launched a surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces announced on Sunday morning.

“As of this hour, there are forces fighting in Kfar Aza, there are searches in a large number of towns. There are IDF forces in all towns, there is no town that does not have an IDF force in it,” IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told journalists during a press conference.

According to Hebrew media reports, exchanges of fire were still ongoing in Kfar Aza, Kibbutz Zikim, Kissufim and Moshav Yated. In Kfar Aza, Israeli forces are reportedly fighting with 10 Hamas terrorists.

The IDF is working to evacuate Israeli citizens from villages near the border fence, neutralize the terror threat in Israeli territory, close the border with Gaza and continue strikes against Hamas sites in the coastal enclave, added Hagari.

The Israeli Air Force on Sunday morning expanded its list of targets in Gaza after the Israeli Security Cabinet green-lit the “destruction of the military and governing capabilities of Hamas and [Palestinian] Islamic Jihad.”

“All symbols of Hamas’s rule are under attack,”
stated Hagari, warning the terrorist group of “heavy fire that will intensify in the hours to come.”

As of 10 a.m., the IDF targeted 500 Hamas sites in Gaza, he noted.
The danger is not over yet, unfortunately, and as the following news indicates, there's a reason the Hamas was able to build up such obscenities:
Among the Cabinet’s decisions was to halt the supply of electricity, fuel and goods to the Gaza Strip.
See, providing them with electricity is exactly what enabled the Hamas to build a lot of the weaponry they used against defenseless civilians. And failure to stand firm against any foreign delegates' demands to provide Gaza with all these resources despite what it led to is another something that has to be considered. Even Israel's government can't be overlooked here.

Update: if anyone wondered if China can be considered a baddie here, they sided with the PLO, and Hamas. There's a case that can be made why it's ill-advised for Israelis to buy Chinese-made products.

Update 2: also consider Democrats who tolerate barbarism and savagery.

Update 3: a writer makes clear Israel's got to destroy the Hamas jihadists once and for all. A similar point is made over here.

Update 4: you can donate to families of the murdered Israeli victims here.

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