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Sunday, October 08, 2023 

How Biden's funding for Iran influenced the current tragedy in Israel

Christian Whiton discusses fraud-in-chief Joe Biden's funding for Iran, which has been a major backer of Hamas:
Ultimate fault for the crisis lies with the Islamist tyrants in Gaza who launched this sneak attack on a Jewish holiday—as well as the Iranian government of which they are but an instrument. But it is impossible not also to fault the Biden administration for its policy of funding Hamas and enabling Iran.

Whereas the previous Republican administration had put Iran and its proxies on the back foot and achieved historic peace and diplomatic relations between Israel and the Arab governments of the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco, President Joe Biden and his top aides entered office determined to return to policies of the past. Foremost among these were trying to establish copacetic relations with Iran and restore payola to the worst elements that rule Palestinians under a brutal tyranny in Gaza.

In Biden’s first year in office the administration began showering Palestinian authorities with $360 million in aid despite its own internal assessment that the funds it provided would likely make their way to Hamas. The administration ignored a demand from Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and eighteen other senators that the aid be halted unless it could be safeguarded from the terrorist group.

The White House also bragged about all that it was doing beyond mere payola to elevate the Palestinian people, including “bolstering economic growth” and “fostering people-to-people dialogue to support peace.”

Biden resumed the pretense that normal relations with Iran’s Islamist government were possible and desirable. Endless pathetic talks and sanctions relief, including unleashing a massive amount of sanctioned Iran oil, were supposed to convince Iran to ease off its nuclear program. Instead, the soft approach has allowed Iran’s nuclear program and other misdeeds to progress. Iran can now launch satellites and has a uranium stockpile enriched to 60 percent—each component just one step short of a crude nuclear arsenal that can be delivered globally.

The Biden administration’s approach requires make-believe that Iran’s government isn’t fundamentally and irrevocably committed to exporting terrorism and Islamist tyranny. It also pretends that Hamas, which Arab governments correctly see as an armed extension of the Muslim Brotherhood, is somehow not an instrumentality of Iran and its ambitions. Biden has returned U.S. policy to the misguided view that solving the Palestinian issue is the key to solving problems across the Middle East. On the contrary, while there are plenty of bad actors in the Middle East, including many who hate each other, the Iranian government is at the heart of the problem, and embraces diversity among the terrorists and Islamists it supports. Iran even hosts al Qaeda’s leadership.
Biden and his staff definitely went miles out of their way to reverse much of what Donald Trump sought to improve, and should be ashamed of themselves. In more on the terrible issue now facing Israel, Avi Mayer describes this as Israel's 911:
“What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.” (Job 3:25)

The catastrophe that befell the people of Israel on the morning of Simhat Torah was the realization of one of the country’s worst nightmares: untold numbers of Israelis – including grandparents, children, and entire families – abducted by Hamas and spirited across the border following an unprecedented invasion by land, air, and sea in which hundreds of Israelis were killed and wounded.

The footage of hundreds of Hamas terrorists breaking through the border fence between Gaza and Israel at numerous points and entering Israeli territory to murder, maim, and kidnap Israelis; of Hamas gunmen riding pickup trucks through the streets of Israeli towns and going house by house to seek out victims; of young people who had participated in an all-night dance party running screaming through the Israeli desert with Hamas terrorists in pursuit; of Israeli civilians, including elderly people and mothers with children, paraded through the streets of Gaza as locals chant “allahu akbar” – they all seem too hellish, too ghastly to be real.

And yet, they are

[...] At the time of the 9/11 attacks, America’s population was about 285 million. 2,977 people were murdered in the terror attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania – roughly 0.001% of all Americans. The airwaves, the papers, and the Internet were filled with stories of the dead – it felt as though every American knew someone who lost someone or whose life had somehow been directly affected.

Israel’s population is roughly 9.7 million. The 200 people confirmed dead thus far in Saturday’s terror attack represent more than 0.002% of all Israelis – a proportion of Israel’s population that is double that of Americans killed in 9/11.The stories have already started pouring in: the young people murdered at the desert party; the local mayor killed in a gun battle; the fire chief and his deputy executed in their hometown. They will build to a deluge in the days ahead – the faces of those killed, the families shattered, the communities in mourning.

It is too soon to say what effect the events of this weekend will have on our lives, but it is certain to be profound and lasting. We are likely in for a military campaign the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades, as Israel seeks to rescue its kidnapped citizens and deal Hamas and its leadership a devastating blow. The price Hamas is likely to demand for the return of the hostages – alive or dead – may tear the country apart.

The decision of Israel's enemies decides Israel's future

A decision by Hezbollah or its overlords in Iran to join the warfare and launch an offensive in Israel’s North may plunge the country and the region into all-out war. Israel’s neighbors will be calculating and reassessing their views of Israel’s military prowess and may calibrate their approach to the Jewish state accordingly. The country’s security doctrine will need to be overhauled and its capabilities adjusted to address the threat posed by Hamas and its fellow terrorist groups. At the same time, a political realignment precipitated by the formation of an emergency unity government may impact domestic politics for years to come.
Yes, now the Hezbollah in Lebanon's also become a serious danger, and we're bound to be in this dire situation for a long time.

Update: here's Florida governor Ron deSantis' response to the issue:
Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said that the U.S. needs to constantly be “turning the screws” on the Islamic Republic of Iran after Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorists launched widespread attacks throughout Israel on Saturday, resulting in deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians.

Approximately 300 Israelis, mostly civilians, were killed from the attacks and nearly 2,000 more have been confirmed to be injured. Those numbers are expected to continue rising as the attacks happened simultaneously throughout the country and some communities were completely overtaken by Hamas.

“I think the most important thing is that we remain unequivocal in that we’re united as a country in saying, ‘Israel not only has a right to defend itself, they have a duty to defend themselves to the hilt by using overwhelming force,’ because what’s happened for really decades is there will be terrorism against Israel, they will respond, but it’s always Israel gets attacked for responding,” DeSantis told The Daily Wire in an exclusive interview. “And so they face all these constraints, getting condemned by the U.N., Europeans, all these different things and we just have to be willing to stand with them and say they have to deal with the problem of Hamas.”

The 45-year-old Florida governor called Hamas’ targeting of women and children “evil, evil stuff” and that the only appropriate response involved using “overwhelming force against” the terrorists.

DeSantis slammed President Joe Biden loosening sanctions on Iran and for unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian oil revenues last month, saying that it doesn’t matter if those exact funds were used to finance this attack because money is fungible “so that $6 billion is used for other things, it frees up money that Iran was going to spend” on other things.

DeSantis warned about the $6 billion payment to Iran two months ago in early August, a month before former President Donald Trump posted a similar warning in mid-September.
Again, Biden did untold damage by giving Iran all that money.

Update: a report from the BBC confirms Iran supports Hamas.

Update 2: according to this info from Pamela Geller, Biden's faux-administration approved giving money to jihadists before the attack. Pure outrage.

Update 3: reports were discovered that USA weapons abandoned to the Taliban during the fiasco retreat 2 years ago ended up in the hands of Gaza jihadists:
A claim in a news report that American weapons seized in Afghanistan have ended up in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip has taken on renewed significance after Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, launched an attack on Israel on Saturday.

According to a Newsweek report published in June, an Israeli commander said some of the US. small arms seized in Afghanistan have already been observed in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip.

The report began recirculating on social media, amid accusations that the Biden administration funded Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel by releasing $6 billion in frozen funds to Iran, the main backer of Hamas.
Once again, there's cause for outrage and offense at how modern negligence has enabled a horror story.

Update 4: here's a rabbi focusing on the subject.

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