Monday, October 28, 2024 

IDF strikes Iranian targets

The IDF took the right course of action, and destroyed some Iranian bases where some of their nuclear weapons facilities were located:
In its largest operation ever conducted in Iran, Israel carried out a strategic airstrike on Oct. 26, marking a significant escalation in the conflict between the two countries. The airstrikes targeted critical military infrastructure, delivering both a symbolic and tactical blow to Iran’s strategic capabilities.

"We showed them we could reach any point in Iran. We neutralized air defenses and flew over them, hitting exactly what we wanted without detection," Ram Ben-Barak, former deputy director of the Mossad, told Fox News Digital.

In the early hours of Saturday morning (Israel time), Israeli air force jets struck 20 targets across Iran during the operation’s chosen name, "Days of Repentance." After about four hours, all aircraft returned safely to Israel, marking the operation's successful completion. The air force embarked on a complex mission involving dozens of aircraft, including fighter jets, intelligence, refueling and rescue units. The strikes were conducted at a distance of just under 1,000 miles. [...]

Solomon added that Israel’s attack impacted Iran’s satellite-launch capabilities, a significant component in Iran’s military satellite program, saying, "Beyond impacting their missile program, their ability to launch satellites for military purposes was damaged."
This is excellent news. But while it's a setback for Iran, it can't be the last strike on their weapons bases. There's doubtless much more evil that needs to be destroyed in Iran's regime.

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Saturday, October 26, 2024 

Strasbourg city hall sells out to Islam

The French city of Strasbourg, which has a far-left mayor, has approved the financing of a mega-mosque, while their famous Christian cathedral by contrast is plunged into darkness:
It is difficult not to give in to pessimism, as the great Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal, author of “2084,” does when he says this week: “Islam is preparing to conquer France.”

The environmentalist municipality of the city of Strasbourg, which houses one of the two wings of the European Parliament, the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe, has decided to turn off the cathedral’s lights at 11 pm “to save energy and money.”

Every evening since the end of August, Strasbourg Cathedral has been in darkness. The green municipality has decided to immerse the religious building in darkness to be “exemplary at a time when efforts to reduce energy consumption are being asked of all citizens.”

Strasbourg Cathedral, whose construction began in 1176, is the fifth tallest in the world. A jewel of Gothic art with light filtering through the stained glass windows, the historiated portal and the famous “Pillar of the Angels,” which Victor Hugo called “a marvel of grandeur and grace.”

An exemplary story.

The same city council of Strasbourg has, in fact, arranged for the financing of 2.5 million euros for the construction of an immense Turkish mosque at the behest of the Green mayor Jeanne Barseghian.

That means 44 meters high for the minarets, 28 domes, a prayer room for 3,000 faithful and another outdoor space for 2,500 people, “the largest mosque in Europe” had a subsidy of 2.5 million and financial help from Qatar, a country whose royal house is in tears these hours for the killing of the head of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar.

The mosque financed by the city of Strasbourg is built by a country, Erdogan’s Turkey, which makes no secret of wanting to Islamize Europe.

Where does the mentality come from that leads them to cut the cathedral lighting to save 1,728 euros a month, when they vote for a subsidy of 2.5 million euros for the construction of the Islamist Eyyub Sultan mosque in the city? There are no logical or rational explanations: the only answer is submission.
This is horrific, of course, but no longer shocking leftists like "greenies" are capable of enabling such evil. It must be addressed some way or other, and if Israelis would do so, that could come in helpful.

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Thursday, October 24, 2024 

October 7, 2023 survivor relays experience of sexual assault to UN

Amit Soussana, one of the hostages rescued after October 7, 2023, told the UN about the sexual violence she experienced, committed by one of the jihadists who was guarding her:
Amit Soussana, who was kidnapped from her home in Kfar Aza during Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel and was later freed after 55 days in captivity as part of the hostage deal last November, on Wednesday bravely shared on the UN stage the horrors, violence and pure evil she experienced while in captivity.

“I was held captive alone, chained by my ankle with a metal chain, unable to move, and had to ask for permission to use the bathroom,”
she recalled.

“In that house, I was sexually assaulted by the Hamas terrorist who guarded me. He forced me to go to the shower and entered the room, pointed his gun at me. He was breathing heavily and had a monstrous, beast-like face,” said Sousanna, who described how her captor meticulously planned his assault on her.

“I knew exactly what he was planning to do, and yet I couldn’t do anything to prevent it. I was utterly helpless. When the assault was over, I wasn’t even allowed to cry or to be sad. I had no one to comfort me and was forced to act nice to the person who had just sexually assaulted me in the most horrifying way,” she added.

“Not a day goes by that I don’t think about what that terrible man did to me. We were held in such inhumane conditions. No person should ever be subjected to such ruthless treatment.”

She urged the UN Security Council, “Fulfill your duty. Take immediate action to secure the release of those still held captive. Every day that passes steals another piece of their soul, and endangers their life. Act now before it is too late…do not turn a blind eye to the atrocities being committed against innocent civilians.” Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, wrote in a post on X, “Amit, you are strong and powerful. Thank you for sharing your story with the world and revealing again the true face of the terrorist organization Hamas. We will not stop until Hamas releases all 101 of the remaining hostages still held in Gaza.”
The sad thing is that the UN is comprised of such evil sources today, there's no chance they'll improve. So what's the use of even speaking to them?

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024 

Biden's pressure against Israel caused Hamas to reject hostage deal

Weakness leads to tragedy of the worst kinds:
As Arab mediators tried to speed up cease-fire talks, Sinwar urged his comrades in Hamas’s political leadership based outside of Gaza to refuse concessions. High civilian casualties would create worldwide pressure on Israel, Sinwar said in a message.

In March, Israeli commandos seized another compound connected to Sinwar. They found uniforms, vests, submachine guns, binoculars and a laptop.

Again, Sinwar messaged Hamas officials, urging them to refuse a hostage deal. Hamas had the upper hand in negotiations, Sinwar said, citing internal political divisions within Israel, cracks in Netanyahu’s wartime coalition and mounting U.S. pressure to alleviate the suffering in Gaza.

The objective of the Biden-Harris administration had been to end the war by cracking Netanyahu’s coalition and imposing pressure on Israel.
As Daniel Greenfield notes:
Hamas and the Biden-Harris administration were essentially working toward similar ends. To whatever extent the Biden-Harris administration knew it, understood it or would admit it, its pursuit of a ‘hostage deal’ via a unilateral Israeli ceasefire played into the hands of the terrorists and made that deal impossible.

Weakness never wins, it only loses
It's an utter disgrace, and scandalous.

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Monday, October 21, 2024 

Andrew Tate sides with Hamas

Muslim convert Andrew Tate continues to prove why he's a dangerous influence (via Jihad Watch):
Controversial social media personality Andrew Tate posted on X/Twitter on Saturday that he was praying to die a death like former Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

"I can only pray for a death as heroic as Yahya Sinwar," Tate wrote. "Brave, defiant in the face of evil and dedicated to his lifes purpose. He deserves eternal rest. He earnt it."

[...] Who is Andrew Tate?

A self-described misogynist, social media influencer Tate has gained millions of fans by promoting an ultra-masculine lifestyle that critics say denigrates women, according to Reuters.
When somebody openly describes himself as a misogynist, it's clear the issue is not feminism, leftist or otherwise, and that, much like he's antisemitic, Tate also hates women as human beings. As for Reuters, it sure is odd they seemingly care, considering they've written reports before that are both hostile to Israel, and unhelpful to women. And "masculine"? For heaven's sake, he is anything but "masculine" if that's how he's going act. All he's done is prove he's not a gentleman and doesn't respect women's dignity and honor.

Tate sure has proven himself one of the worst influences and examples of the 21st century.

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Saturday, October 19, 2024 

Muslim in UK convicted for raping and murdering London woman on park bench

A man in Britain whose name strongly hints he's Muslim was convicted for the 2021 rape and murder of a mother in London:
35-year-old Mohamed Noor Iidow has been found guilty of raping and killing 37-year-old mother-of-three Natalie Shotter, who was found dead on a park bench in London by a passer-by in the early morning of 16 July 2021. Iidow’s DNA was found in the deceased woman’s mouth, with CCTV footage showing him “orally raping” her repeatedly for “over 15 minutes”.

Shotter, stated to have been five feet tall and weighing just 95 lbs at the time of her death had been out partying with friends before she was attacked. The death of the woman has been the subject of a campaign for justice by her medical doctor mother, who says an appeal for help to police for the vulnerable woman was rejected by disinterested officers.
What's chilling as much as telling is that the police showed no serious concern, any more than the police who ignored antisemitism in the UK and France. That only demonstrates how misogyny is still as deeply entrenched as antisemitism in many places. And this is why yet another woman has tragically fallen victim to the Religion of Peace.

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Friday, October 18, 2024 

A book explaining why the war against Islamic jihadism is being lost

Daniel Greenfield reviews a book by former military officer Jesse Petrilla, who witnessed firsthand some of the worst reasons why the war against Islam's tyranny is being lost:
“I recall one instance where we were ordered to turn over a shipping container of captured Taliban weapons to the Afghan government, and I told the Major in charge of the mission “You know these are going right back to the Taliban as soon as we leave, right?” Without hesitation he responded, “Oh yes, I know.”

This story that Jesse Petrilla tells in If It Takes a Thousand Years: From Al-Qaeda to Hamas, How the Jihadists Think & How to Defeat Them’ is part of the larger reason why we not only lost Afghanistan, but why we’re losing to Islamic terrorists around the world and at home.

Jesse Petrilla had been an Army Liaison Officer on the ground in Afghanistan and had taken part in the interrogation of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists. He had also witnessed the defeatist politics that foreshadowed the loss of Afghanistan and encroaches on much of civilization.

While Petrilla’s time in Afghanistan is at the heart of the narrative, he moves from Israel to Jordan, visits Egypt, travels to the Balkans and witnesses the incursion of Islam into Europe, and then back home into the United States where he served as an elected official. Along the way he sees Islam in its native environment and in our own, witnesses our growing willingness to appease it and surrender to it, and our refusal to come to terms with what it truly is. This is an experience that began when he was in Afghanistan and encountered military officers unwilling to understand what they were up against or, like that major, unwilling to rock the boat.

Afghanistan was not lost in any single battle, but in our refusal to understand what we were fighting. And if our civilization falls the way that Constantinople once did, that will ultimately be the tragic epitaph to be carved on its tombstone. In Afghanistan, Petrilla encounters Islam at its most elemental, operating with a heedless disregard for reality and human life, motivated purely by a fiery mix of theological conviction and tribalism. The Muslim terrorists he encountered boasted of their willingness to keep fighting us for generations, even, as in the book’s title, if it takes a thousand years, they were willing to kill, to die and teach their children to kill us.

As Petrilla succinctly observes, “they just want your entire society to submit or die.” [...]

“I have seen cases where Taliban have fired mortars from the roof of a building full of children, only to run away before the counter- attack in which several children were killed, at which time the Taliban will play to the media and blame the Americans for indiscriminately killing civilians, further eroding our mission,” Petrilla describes in If It Takes a Thousand Years.

Westerners don’t understand Islam. And they try to deal with Islam on American terms.

After the recent anniversary of our retreat from Afghanistan, Petrilla describes a mission rotted from within. As an Army officer, he encountered a translator who supported the Taliban. “To make things even more unsettling, the pro-Taliban translator was an American citizen who held a Top Secret security clearance. I reported him to my superiors, and when they reported it to theirs, making its way all the way up to the General Officer level, they came back to me and said nothing can be done.” It would have been too politically incorrect to get rid of him.

That story casts new light on the recent arrest of an Afghan guard and his family brought to the United States who plotted an ISIS terrorist attack. And on the worthless ‘vetting’ of Afghans.

When Taliban Jihadis were captured, what was done with them?

Petrilla describes how the Afghans were allowed to run review boards during which “59 percent were recommendations for release” while 93% of older Taliban received recommendations for release. Those who remained locked up received average sentences of 4 years. The prisons were known as “Taliban University” for training and indoctrinating the soon to be freed Jihadis.

Nation building subsumed the mission of defeating the enemy until the enemy were in charge.
Yes, and this is something "right-wingers" like George W. Bush Jr. have blame to shoulder for as much as leftists themselves. Another discovery Petrilla made in the Islamic world was what a groom would do with a bride if he thought she wasn't a virgin:
How could America’s mission in Afghanistan go so wrong? In If It Takes a Thousand Years Petrilla traces the common failures brought on by our inability to understand Islamic societies. Societies where, as he describes in an Afghan wedding, the husband can kill his new bride on their wedding night if she turns out not to be a virgin “and the bride’s family is obligated to replace her with a sister or other female relative at the same wedding.”

Petrilla urges readers to compare that to an American wedding. “Imagine yourself being at a wedding, and after the ceremony having the groom come out of a tent with the bride, murdering her in front of the guests, and then taking her sister and marrying her while the corpse of the murdered bride still lies on the ground.” That is what morality can be in an Islamic society.
This too is absolutely repulsive, and the USA officials who turned their backs on this kind of abomination should be ashamed of themselves. One of the commentors responding to the review also says:
I knew we were screwed as soon as George W sat down with terror Islamists and called Islam the “religion of peace” like a good Dhimmi. Little did we know at the time that the “War on Terror” would soon be applied to any American that believed in the Constitution, individual liberty, or prayed near an abortion clinic.
Travesties that Dubya probably is okay with. Let's not forget what he did a few years ago, comparing Americans who allegedly invaded Congress to terrorists of 9-11. And Ronald Reagan can't be excused either for his own leniencies. Nor can Bill Clinton, who was of course the one who pushed through the Oslo accords in 1993 that later led to the October 7, 2023 tragedy. Political correctness is one of the worst ways in which we got to this point, and how democracies were eroded, all via people who clearly didn't support the concepts in the first place.

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