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Sunday, September 03, 2023 

Illegal immigrants in south Tel Aviv start riot

Israel's own illegal immigrants, who came from Eritrea, started a whole riot in a neighborhood they occupy in south Tel Aviv, leading to injuries and shambles:
Eritreans from both sides faced off with construction lumber, pieces of metal, rocks, and at least one axe, tearing through a neighborhood of south Tel Aviv where many asylum seekers live. Protesters smashed shop windows and police cars, and blood spatter was seen on sidewalks. One government supporter was lying in a puddle of blood in a children’s playground.

Israeli police in riot gear shot tear gas, stun grenades, and live rounds while officers on horseback tried to control the protesters, who broke through barricades and hurled chunks of rocks at the police. Police said officers resorted to live fire when they felt their lives were in danger.
Daniel Greenfield notes:
Israel’s new conservative government in part came into office on a promise to finally start deporting the illegals. Unfortunately Israel’s leftist judiciary, especially its Supreme Court, has blocked such efforts. House Democrats also pressured Israel to drop any plan to deport the migrant population.

And this was a government plan to hand the migrants $3,500 and buy them plane tickets.

Now the whole thing has exploded in a way that no one could ignore with riots in the ‘nicer’ part of Tel Aviv. Groups of Eritreans fighting over issues in their home country violently clashed with each other and with police leading to gunfire and serious injuries.
Any local businesses who have the gall to employ them should be ashamed of themselves. They should be expelled by whoever the landlords are who allow them to reside there, but will that happen? Sadly, it probably won't. For now, this is one of the reasons why judicial reform is necessary.

Update: Daniel Greenfield notes that even some foreign countries like Canada, UK, Germany and Sweden have had similar riots, but the MSM only cares when it occurs in Israel.

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