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Sunday, September 24, 2023 

Netanyahu gives CNN an education on judicial reform

In an interview with one of far-left CNN's journalists, Benajmin Netanyahu gave them some schooling on what the judicial reform in the Knesset is all about:
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins sat down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for Friday’s edition of The Source where she blamed him and his judicial reforms for the “damage” done to U.S.-Israeli relations which led to Netanyahu, once again, having to educate an American journalist on just what his judicial reforms entail.

Collins asked, “you mentioned President Biden. After your meeting with him, this week, the White House said that he quote, ‘Reiterated his concern about any fundamental changes to Israel's democratic system, absent the broadest possible consensus.’ How can you deny the damage that your push, for this judicial reform, is doing, to Israeli-U.S. relations?”

Netanyahu ever so politely called out the media for spreading fake news, “Well, I think the damage is not the reform. It's the way the reform is mis-presented. So, it's some kind of collapse of democracy, when we're all -- all we're talking about is -- you know what? We're really talking about is how we choose judges. Now, in America, the elected officials, your politicians, choose judges that have to be confirmed by your Parliament, by the Congress. In Israel, they say that if that happens, there'll be a collapse of democracy, let's say.”

This isn’t the first time Netanyahu has had to correct a CNN reporter on the issue. Back in January, he gave a similar civics lesson to Jake Tapper. In July, he also had to educate ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on the matter.
With the way the USA is going these days though, who knows if these left-wing propagandists want the kind of system overseen by Congress anymore? That's surely the saddest part of this whole affair. Good for Netanyahu for schooling them, but when it comes to the USA itself, there's no telling where they're going with how they view SCOTUS.

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