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Monday, October 09, 2023 

A porn star who gives the medium a bad name

Mia Khalifa is a porn star who's worked for Playboy, and whatever one thinks of pornography, she's humiliated the medium by making antisemitic, anti-Israeli statements, which have now led to Playboy cutting off relations with her:
Playboy announces that it is terminating its relationship with Lebanese-American media personality and former adult star Mia Khalifa over social media posts supporting the Hamas attack on Israel.

“Over the past few days,” says the adult magazine in a statement, “Mia has made disgusting and reprehensible comments celebrating Hamas’ attacks on Israel and the murder of innocent men, women, and children.”

“Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal,” Khalifa tweeted as the assault was underway.

“I just wanna make sure there’s 4k footage of my people breaking down the walls of the open air prison they’ve been forced out of their homes and into so we have good options for the history books that write about how how they freed themselves from apartheid,” she wrote in response to criticism.
When a porn actress, of all people, condones barbarism and minimizes the seriousness of sexual violence along with murder, it's giving sex and the medium she works in a very bad name. That's what makes this another example - much like the previous one with the UN - of a woman who desecrates women's rights and dignity, which amounts to a self-hating woman, more or less. Khalifa truly disgusts me as a human being.

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