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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 

Son of man who tried to attack Trump arrested for child porn possession

The police have arrested the son of Ryan Wesley Routh for storing child pornography in his home (Hat tip: Geller Report):
The son of Ryan Wesley Routh, Donald Trump’s would-be assassin, was arrested Tuesday morning on federal child pornography charges, ABC News reported.

Investigators found "hundreds" of files with child pornography during a search of Oran Routh's home in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Sept. 21. Prosecutors conducted the search in relation to charges against his father, who remains in custody after he attempted to kill the former president earlier this month, according to ABC News.

Oran Routh was charged with receipt and possession of child pornography. The videos in his possession include children as young as six being sexually abused, the New York Post reported.

Shortly after his father was arrested, Oran Routh said his dad hates Trump as "every reasonable person does," adding that he doesn't "like Trump either." Although his dad has an extensive criminal record, Oran told the Daily Mail that his father is "not a violent person," and the assassination attempt accusation is "crazy" and "nothing like him."
One can wonder if this is a case of "like father, like son". It's clear the father didn't raise his son well, and now look what's happened. Even the son is a most evil man indeed.

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