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Monday, September 23, 2024 

The new war with Islamofascists in Lebanon is just beginning

After all the continued rocket attacks committed by the Hezbollah, the IDF has been targeting the enemy's bases in Lebanon:
Israeli airstrikes killed scores of Hezbollah terrorists on Monday as the possibility of a major war between the two adversaries continues to grow.

[...] The Israeli airstrikes on Monday appeared to be the largest in scale in roughly a year of fighting, according to reports. An evacuation warning was reportedly broadcast throughout Lebanon ahead of the strikes.

“Hezbollah is forcing the [Israel Defense Forces] to target military areas in the village. The [Israel Defense Forces] don’t want to harm you. If you are located in a building used by —” a message communicated through a major Lebanese radio station broadcasted before it was abruptly cut off, according to CNN. The radio station had reportedly been hacked by Israeli forces.
I'd noted before that, if previous information I read is correct, Ronald Reagan has some blame to shoulder for the Hezbollah gaining the deep foothold it has in Lebanon today. Which means that he not only lead to a horrible problem for Israel for starters, he also caused a headache for successive conservatives to boot, and that means that, despite any ostensible examples to the contrary, Reagan still failed terribly in the long run. And Israel, whom he allegedly was favorable to, is now suffering as a result of Reagan's incompetence. It's good the IDF has been able to make significant strikes against the Hezbollah so far. But it's bound to be a very grueling war ahead, and because a USA conservative proved as pretentious as quite a few liberals, now Israel has to deal with things the hard way.

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