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Monday, October 30, 2023 

Czech defense minister is correct: we must leave the UN

The Czech Republic's defense minister made a very excellent point regarding what's truly an evil political entity:
Czech Defence Minister Jana Černochová has called for her country to leave the United Nations in response to the international body’s failure to condemn Hamas terrorists for the slaughter of civilians in Israel on the October 7th attacks.

This week, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to demand a “ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas as Jerusalem was preparing for its invasion of Gaza to root out the Islamist terror organisation responsible for the brutal butchering of over 1,400 people in Israel earlier this month.

Just 14 nations opposed the measure, including Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Fiji, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga and the United States.

Meanwhile, multiple attempts from the United States and others to pass a resolution to condemn the Hamas attacks were thwarted at the U.N. by China and Russia, who used their veto power as permanent members of the Security Council to block the condemnation of the terrorist group.

Responding to the apparent anti-Israel bias at the U.N. on Saturday, Czech Defence Minister Jana Černochová said: “In my opinion, the Czech Republic has no place in an organisation that cheers on terrorists and does not respect the fundamental right to self-defence,” declaring: “Let’s get out.”
Now this is definitely something to get behind. It could even help save money. Why won't more concerned make the case she did? And calling for a "ceasefire" only emphasizes moral equivalence, which is very dangerous. What's told about China and Russia also speaks volumes.

The Czech Republic's representatives must be congratulated for their very perceptive view. More must be done to encourage others to follow the example. Including Israel, of course.

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