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Saturday, August 24, 2024 

Arson of cars near French synagogue, and a jihadist committed a stabbing at a German festival

Islamic terrorism continues to rear its ugly head in France, with a seaside town's synagogue the latest victim of Islamic antisemitism:
France’s acting interior minister ordered police reinforcements to protect Jewish places of worship after a suspected arson attack Saturday on a synagogue in a southwestern Mediterranean town.

Two cars parked at the Beth Yaacov synagogue in the seaside resort town of La Grande Motte near Montpellier were set ablaze on Saturday morning, injuring a police officer, according to French media reports. It was not immediately clear how many people were inside the synagogue at the time. There are no reports of other injuries.

Acting Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said the incident was being treated as an “attempted arson” that is “clearly a criminal act.” One of the cars allegedly contained a propane gas tank, local media reported.
While it's lucky that nobody was murdered or injured in this latest incident, the next incident that took place in Germany was less fortunate:
The suspect in the mass stabbing attack at a German “festival of diversity” reportedly shouted out “Allahu Akbar” and is said to have been a “visitor to a local mosque”.

German paper of record Die Welt has claimed to have obtained an internal report from police in Solingen in the wake of the mass stabbing on Friday evening that left three people dead, including two men aged 67 and 56 and a 56-year-old woman. Eight others were injured during the attack, including four who were seriously wounded.

The police report is said to have stated: “A witness injured in the crime stated that the unknown suspect was ‘known from Solingen’ and that he was also a visitor to a local mosque. A witness reported that the suspect shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ during his crimes.”

A manhunt is currently underway in Germany for the suspect, who successfully fled the scene of the attack, which took place on Friday evening in Solingen city centre at a diversity festival as the city celebrated its 650th anniversary.
All this "diversity" propaganda is exactly what led to this horrible incident, and even Germany continues to pay a heavy price.

Update: this report tells more about the former incident:
A suspected terrorist who was caught on security cameras carrying a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flag set at least two vehicles on fire at the entrance to the Beth Yaacov synagogue in La Grande-Motte, France. A gas balloon was in one of the vehicles, and as a result, both vehicles exploded and the flames reached the synagogue's doors. One police officer was injured and evacuated to a hospital; there is no danger to his life.
So it's clear this was a jihadist attack, and it remains to be seen if the authorities can track the monster down.

Update 2: it looks like the culprit has been caught:
Police have apprehended a suspect believed to be behind Saturday’s attempted arson attack on a synagogue in La Grande-Motte in southern France.

According to CNN affiliate BFMTV, two elite police units detained the suspect during a raid in the nearby city of Nimes.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin confirmed that the suspect fired at the police during the operation.

“The alleged perpetrator of the arson attack on the synagogue has been detained. Thanks to the police, and mainly the RAID, who intervened with great professionalism despite his gunfire,” Darmanin wrote on social media site X, acknowledging the elite unit of the National Police.

BFMTV reported that the suspect was injured in the gunfire but is not in critical condition.
Well he should be crippled in the legs if that makes him less of a threat. If the police were able to do that, he deserves it.

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